Further links to websites of interest to Eliot enthusiasts:
tseliot.com A website created by Eliot’s publishers, Faber, together with the Eliot Estate, providing previously unpublished images and letters, most of his critical essays, a range of quotes, a guide to his poetic and dramatic works and other material of interest.
Faber archive A fascinating collection of original letters, drawings and book reports written by Eliot while working at Faber, on submissions from writers including Ted Hughes, Laurence Durrell and David Jones, together with photographs of Eliot from the period, and images of the First Editions of his works.
The British Library has put online a number of First Editions, letters, manuscripts, and articles by and about Eliot.
The TS Eliot Society (US) “An international association of persons interested in the art and thought of TS Eliot” – based in the USA.
What The Thunder Said A US-based web resource hub for Eliot material