Exchanges… Autumn 2024
The Autumn issue of our Society quarterly, Exchanges…, is now available for download.
Its contributions from members include a review of Sara Fitzgerald’s biography of Emily Hale, The Silenced Muse; a report from the Annual TS Eliot Lecture 2024 given by Richard Harries; and an article on the forged Eliot ‘Butterfly Books’.
You can download this new issue here.
Exchanges… is a quarterly publication with contributions from members of the TS Eliot Society UK.
Whereas our Journal is an academic publication, subject to external assessment, review and citation, Exchanges… is very much a forum for Members to exchange ideas about Eliot, and to share their own perceptions as readers of his work. Exchanges also includes brief articles related to Eliot which can be lighter and less formally academic. It’s an opportunity for Members to maintain an interesting and ongoing conversation about Eliot, which the public is welcome to read.
We’re currently inviting members’ thoughts (of around 300 to 500 words) on the following themes:
- a brief reflection upon your favourite line or lines of Eliot;
- your first encounter with Eliot;
- why you find a particular line or lines of Eliot memorable;
- what Eliot means to you;
- how you have shared your interest in /enthusiasm for Eliot with others.
All contributions are welcome (except members’ own poetry, which Exchanges… does not publish). You can e-mail the newsletter at:
Recent Back Issues
Review of The Collected Prose of T.S. Eliot
Report from this year’s Annual T.S. Eliot Festival at Little Gidding
A visit to the T.S. Eliot Summer School
Eliot and Me
‘Ash Wednesday’ and sublimation
The T.S. Eliot Prize for Poetry 2023
‘The Elder Statesman’: a new perspective
Miscellany – three short items
‘Old Gentlemen Prefer Silken Girls’: another look at ‘Journey of the Magi’
Eliot Awarded: reflections on the 75th anniversary of 1948
Report: A Winchester ‘Waste Land’
The Lure of Old Possum’s … First Edition
Eliot as Critic: evaluating Terry Eagleton’s evaluation
Why T.S. Eliot matters to me
Visiting Little Gidding for the T.S. Eliot Festival 2023
An ‘Eliot novice’ at the T S Eliot festival
T S Ee Bah Gum! Eliot in Yorkshire
A View from India: Eliot’s spiritual search – and mine
T S Eliot; The Spoken Voice
The T S Eliot Prize 2023
Hosted by The London Review of Books – an evening with Professors Seamus Perry and Mark Ford
Eliot after ‘The Waste Land’
‘Dinner with Groucho’
The Waste Land and Other Poems – 100th Anniversary International Edition
Women in Eliot’s life 1: Lyndall Gordon on Emily Hale
Women in Eliot’s life 2: Erica Wagner on Mary Trevelyan
Is a ‘biography’ of a poem really possible?
Inside the publication of Great Tom
‘‘The fire and the rose are one’: reading with the dying
Reports from the 2022 Annual TS Eliot Festival at Little Gidding
Review of Matthew Geary’s book TS Eliot and the Mother
A reflection on Little Gidding and consolation
Teaching The Waste Land to A Level students.
(The Waste Land centenary issue)
‘A shared mystery’
Restoring the experience: The Waste Land Facsimile & Transcript in colour
‘Impressions, sometimes sublime…’
Revisiting Early Responses to The Waste Land
Eliot and our age: is there an incompatibility?
Recollections of Journey of the Magi
Readers vs Bibliophiles: The Mardersteig Editions
Misappropriations: can’t Eliot stand alone?
The T S Eliot prize for poetry 2021: Joelle Taylor’s ‘C+nto and Othered Poems’
Eliot & Liberalism: Seamus Perry’s 2021 TS Eliot Lecture
Re-encountering Eliot’s poetry after a lapse of twenty years
Response by Christopher Ricks and Jim McCue
Eliot’s letters of November 1921, pre-The Waste Land
Publishers’ practices: Eliot and the Blurb
Ralph Fiennes’ Four Quartets – a medley of perspectives
Conrad Aiken on Eliot: ‘ … in a way I became his younger brother ….’
A Little Trip Back with Father Tiresias
‘Tormented suffering’? A disputed annotation on lines from ‘Preludes’
2020 T S Eliot Prize for Poetry: ‘How to Wash a Heart’ by Bhanu Kapil
Eliot’s Prose: Complete v Collected
T S Eliot: The Search for Happiness – a review of the DVD
T S Eliot, Thomas Becket and the Rule of Law
‘A Cold Coming’: Eliot’s Journey of the Magi
Coming to – and appreciating – Eliot
The Wife’s Tale – review of The Fall of A Sparrow: Vivien Eliot’s Life and Writings
Poetry in Lockdown: a perspective on the Arvon Foundation
Teaching TS Eliot at A Level Today
Looking back on ‘Cats’ the movie
Poems for the pandemic
‘A whispering under the door’ – West Abelard, a parody of Eliot
T S Eliot Prize for Poetry: Hannah Sullivan and Roger Robinson
To Little Gidding
Reading ‘Journey of the Magi’ via Edward McKnight Kauffer’s Drawings
Eliot’s errata and variations
In Place and Time’ – Eliot and Britten at Southwark Cathedral
T S Eliot in the #MeToo era
The Annual TS Eliot Society Lecture 2019 – Hannah Sullivan
The TS Eliot Poetry Prize 2020
The TS Eliot – Emily Hale archive
In Eliot’s own hand – the pleasures of the autograph
A new take on ‘My Favourite Eliot’
An evening in Virginia Woolf’s garden
An Eliot journey – leading to Emily Hale
The 2019 T S Eliot Festival at Little Gidding
TS Eliot’s Portrait Of A Lady – an A-Level approach
Eliot’s Welsh Holidays
Four Quartets and Beethoven
The 2019 Edition of Four Quartets
Exploring life and death: Hannah Sullivan’s TS Eliot Prize-winning Three Poems
Eliot and Intertextuality – further thoughts
Collecting T.S. Eliot
‘To Caunterbury they wende …’
Wall-to-wall presence? Inescapable Eliot …
The Annual TS Eliot Lecture 2018, by Sir Christopher Ricks
Eliot and our way of thinking…
Review of Bill Goldstein’s ‘The World Broke in Two’
Literary Legacy: Andrewes, Eliot and a contemporary Anglican poet
The T. S. Eliot Prize for Poetry
Review of Jewel Spears Brooker’s ‘T. S. Eliot’s Dialectical Imagination
Eliot and the Great War
An open house afternoon at the University of London
The TV programme Return to TS Eliotland
Reflections on the TS Eliot Summer School
Paradox in Ash Wednesday
Returning to Eliot’s essay on The Modern Mind.
TS Eliot’s portrait by Wyndham Lewis
Sarah Kennedy’s book on TS Eliot’s Dynamic Imagination
A report of this year’s TS Eliot Festival at Little Gidding
More on Eliot and intertextuality
A contemporaneous report from Eliot’s memorial service
Jeremy Irons reading ‘Four Quartets’ in Southwark Cathedral
Something missing: the Journeys with ‘The Waste Land’ exhibition at the Turner Contemporary
T. S. Eliot and Anglo-Catholicism
Exploring Eliot’s ‘Four Quartets’ – a workshop
A Visit to the University of Kent and its Eliot Collections
Annus Mirabilis 1922
Eliot’s Enigmatic Signifiers of Spring
Reading Poetry Aloud
Journeys with ‘The Waste Land’, at Turner Contemporary, Margate
A Study Afternoon on The Waste Land
Bernard Bergonzi – an appreciation
A plea from Susanna Ferrar
Obituary: artist Richard Williams
Reflections upon Eliot’s The Idea of a Christian Society
An (unusual) recollection of TS Eliot
Events Reviews:
Eliot and Decadence;
Eliot in the Wartime Classroom;
TS Eliot Festival 2017
Perspectives: David Jones on TS Eliot
Sudden In A Shaft of Sunlight: The paintings of Alain Senez
Eliot & Intertextuality (2)
Eliot and today’s Church of England
TS Eliot & FR Leavis
TS Eliot & CS Lewis
Four Quartets and Music
The Four Quartets paintings of Richard Williams
A first encounter with Eliot’s work
Annual Lecture by Dr Sarah Kennedy
A first encounter with Eliot’s work
Rowan Williams on TS Eliot
TS Eliot on Twitter
Walking The Waste Land
TS Eliot Festival 2016
A near-encounter with TS Eliot
Measuring out our lives with coffee spoons
A first encounter with Eliot’s work
Eliot, spirituality and prayer, by Rowan Williams
Eliot and Intertextuality (1)
Stephen Spender on TS Eliot