Works by TS Eliot


Links to TS Eliot’s earlier works readable online:


The “Harvard Advocate” Poems (1907-1910)


Prufrock and Other Observations  (1917)

The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
Portrait of a Lady
Rhapsody on a Windy Night
Morning at the Window
The Boston Evening Transcript
Aunt Helen
Cousin Nancy
Mr. Apollinax
Conversation Galante
La Figlia che Piange

Poems (1920)

Burbank with a Baedeker: Bleistein with a Cigar
Sweeney Erect
A Cooking Egg
Le Directeur
Mélange Adultère de Tout
Lune de Miel
The Hippopotamus
Dans le Restaurant
Whispers of Immortality
Mr. Eliot’s Sunday Morning Service
Sweeney among the Nightingales


The Waste Land, 1922: the full authorised text, with notes

The Waste Land: the manuscript, with Ezra Pound’s annotations

TS Eliot on The Waste Land – comments on the poem by Eliot himself

(There are several explorations of The Waste Land on the page of Lectures/Articles/Programmes)


Hypertext versions

Quotations and references in these versions are explained and linked to the texts from which they are drawn:

The Waste Land – a good hypertext version, with explanatory references, sources and a map

Exploring The Waste Land – a learning resource providing both the poem with notes, hyperlinks etc, and a Supplementary Section of related essays and resources

The Waste Land – another hypertext version, rather “busy” with ads etc, but its Keywords guide to recurring words is useful.

The Waste Land – line-by-line commentary – a combination of knowledgeable contributions and explanations, mixed with other less valuable observations

The Waste Land infographic – A visual guide to the poem’s references

He Do The Police in Different Voices – A website for exploring the different voices in The Waste Land

The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock – hypertext version

Prufrock Unlimited – an interactive student version, with interpretations and notes

The Hollow Men – hypertext version

Burbank with a Baedeker: Bleistein with a Cigar – hypertext version

Accessible Eliot, an ongoing multi-media, student-annotated, critical edition of the work


Downloadable versions

Project Gutenberg offers some of Eliot’s works now out of copyright as free downloads in a range of electronic formats for eBook readers, mobiles etc.


Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats

Known increasingly as the source material for the musical Cats, John Sutherland provides An Introduction to Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats for The British Library, with the story of its origins and contents accompanied by pictures of its manuscripts and accompanying letters.

Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats



An Introduction to Eliot’s prose by Professor Ron Schuchard

The Complete Prose of TS Eliot – the online critical edition (requires institutional access or subscription)

Early essays A number of pre-1922 essays, including his Reflections on vers libre

The Sacred Wood Collection of Eliot’s essays on poetry and criticism

Eliot on Milton – his two essays of 1936 and 1960

The Idea Of A Christian Society – the four constituent lectures

Poetry & Drama 1951



Eeldrop and Appleplex

The only piece of fiction by the adult Eliot, published in two parts in 1917 in The Little Review


The Complete Prose of TS Eliot

The Complete Prose of T. S. Eliot gathers for the first time in one place his collected, uncollected, and unpublished prose, in a comprehensive eight-volume critical edition. The project is now complete and accessible online – access is by subscription. Full details, access and index are here

An article on the background to this project is here


Printed works

All of Eliot’s work in print in the UK can be found at Faber & Faber


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